jespah wrote:1) The stuff we do involuntarily? E. g. pay taxes, etc.? That's not personal ownership. You do realize the difference between sending a % of your income to Uncle Sam and being forced to stay where you don't want to -- forever, have your children forcibly taken from you, etc.?
Yes, of course. Do you understand that slavery doesn't cease to be slavery if you give the slaves free time when they're not working, or because you allow them to keep their families with them, or because you give them choice in where to live?
Quote:2) No, Anne's diary doesn't go beyond when they were in hiding. Why do you think they were in hiding? They knew the nazis were not going to throw them an ice cream social.
You implied it was a source of information about the camps.
Quote:3) The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? Seriously? Is that your sole understanding of the Holocaust? Then again, I suggest you take some time and get some more information. Isn't more information a good thing?
I never said it was my 'sole understanding' of anything. I said it slightly addressed the topic of propaganda about the camps being attractive communities to work and live. It is a work of historical fiction, as far as I know. But my only point bringing it up is that it is possible for people to imagine and hope for such a thing as a benevolent labor commune to escape the debt slavery of capitalism. Why do you think there are communists and hippies in the world? They hope for a life beyond capitalism. Isn't it within their political rights to think and speak about such ideas?
Quote:4) Uh no - you're denying the Holocaust wasn't so bad or at least people didn't think it was. It was. There's a reason why people see nazis and the Holocaust as a standard of evil.
When did I even imply that? You are taking things I said out of context and twisting the meaning in your own interpolation. If you think I mean something by something I say, please ask me how I meant it before assuming I am denying the holocaust and propagating nazi beliefs or something sinister like that.
Quote:5) And once again, ownership is not equal to control. If you can't tell the difference between the act of buying and selling human beings and someone telling me I can't leave the company grounds during my coffee break, then I just plain don't know what to say to you.
I didn't say ownership and control were simplistically equivalent concepts. I said that ownership is a form of control and that there are other forms of control that don't involve explicitly designating one human as another's property.
Ownership is a designation. Without the power to recognize and enforce property rights, it is meaningless. I can claim anything is my property but that doesn't make it so. Only if others concur and defer to my authority over the thing claimed as my property do I gain control over it. In fact, you can try claiming wild animals as your property all day long but until you can control them, they won't submit to your 'ownership.'
Quote:Are we controlled by our employers? Well, sure we are. They want us making widgets on their time, not watching Netflix. We are also compensated for what we do. That's how the system works.
Technically, we own ourselves. We are our own owners/masters. We rent ourselves out as employees and there are contracts and regulations governing the business relationship.
There are people who are not emancipated, such as children and prisoners. Technically, slaves would have the same status. The 13th amendment prohibits people from revoking their emancipation, except as punishment for crime - so their are people who sell themselves into slavery by committing crime; the same way some people commit suicide by cop, as the expression goes. It would be better if people chose life and liberty, but sadly some people cannot find the means to pursue happiness to their satisfaction so they seek to sell their liberty in various ways. It happens despite the 13th amendment in various ways, though it is technically illegal - just as people commit suicide despite that being illegal.
Quote:6) Now you're just moving the goal posts. Claiming that slaves will be paid at the end isn't slavery. It's a contract where people are paid at the end instead of at the beginning.
Who says it's not slavery if the slave receives money at the end of their contracted indenturement? Who says it's not slavery if they have the option to buy their own freedom?
Quote:7) I am well aware of free speech, etc. Talk all you want to. But if you want to be taken seriously, then maybe stop spouting off this kind of junk.
Why don't you stop being arrogant and assumptive?
Quote:And yes, I stand by the position that this shows a total lack of empathy -- if we continue with the correct definition of slavery, which is the ownership of other people and their loss of personal autonomy.
As I said, 'ownership' is a designation, a status. Personal autonomy is relative. Some employees have no autonomy and they're not considered slaves.
Quote:If you cannot empathize with people, then I feel sorry for you.
I wouldn't be having this discussion if I didn't empathize with people. There are two reasons to raise discussion of slavery:
1) you want to exploit people economically by enslaving them.
2) you want to raise consciousness of exploitation in economic relationships in order to implore people to innovate more ethics into their economic behaviors.
The only sense in which I would benefit from slavery is that prices would be less inflated if not subsidized by fiscal stimulus GDP growth. That would benefit everyone who saves money, though, including people who accepted a limited period of indenturement for the sake of getting out of debt and/or receiving a sum of money upon completion of the contracted term.
Creating a minimum wage and then fiscally stimulating jobs causes inflation and thus taxes the poor into working forever instead of saving up and working less when they can afford to. In short, social capitalism forces people into working more than they would need to if inflation was kept in check and/or deflation of prices allowed to occur.
Do you think it's good to enslave everyone to inflation in order to prevent people who overspend from running out of money?
Quote:And of course I am no doctor. But again, I would advocate that a lack of empathy is a troubling thing.
But hey, you're the one who didn't want to get personal.
You are the one who has passive aggression issues here. Plus you are so arrogant as to assume I lack empathy. Obviously you're the one who lack empathy or you wouldn't accuse others of it, because you would recognize that it is hurtful to do so.