I love hopping in my car and taking a long drive on back roads to nowhere, while listening to whatever type of music I'm in the mood for.
I love, listening to my favorite music (out doors) and watching something natural, like a bird or birds in flight, while correlating their movements to the beat or rhythm of the music. I usually do this to classical music, but the other day I was at the ocean and "Staiway To Heaven" was playing so I gave that a try while watching a flock of seagulls...that went well! Seagulls are agile, and they have good rhythm
So the ocean is a good spot for this, and a pond that has lots of ducks or birds is another good spot. Here is a quick list of things to watch while listening to music-
Birds flying
Tall grass blowing
Leaves on trees blowing
Wind through the trees
The sun reflecting off of water
Kids sledding down a hill
During a snow storm, drive and watch the snow flakes come at your windshield
Anyone else?