I ...he... appreciates all the support and encouraging words. He says all the time that people are so nice to him and say "thank you" at the most unexpected times.
sitting and waiting for daddy sucks.
Balloon - Wooooow. *stares forever*
These are for daddy. Must Wait. these are for daddy. Must resist.
Too symbolic not to take a pic.
Grandma showing her support. I can't tell you how many flags she took to wave everywhere.
The buses start pulling in and the crowd goes WILD!!! I was afraid they were going to attack them. This is where I got all choked up. I tried to pull the rub your belly and pat your head deal, and was having a rough time (trying to take pictures, cheer/clap, and blow my nose).
they're coming our way!!!
Soldiers finally make it to the parade grounds. The family slowly inched their way closer and closer (quite funny on our end).
Quite your talking high-ranking guy and let us greet, hug, and make up for lost times ...with our soldiers. (panting)
It was emotional for everyone. This is his dad.
Grandma can't believe he's standing in front of her.
OKAY.. get me HOME already.
Daddy meets his new puppy for the first time. Okay, so it couldn't be the first time since he's not in uniform anymore, but it was soon after.
He already found me ticklish spot!!!