@cicerone imposter,
One of my favorite sayings in life is, "Set your face to the wind and you will do great things".
Non conformity is a way of life. We all rebel at some point in life and come into our own. Rebellion is part of awakening.
I am fortunate to have been raised by worldly parents that even though they had a watered-down version of Christian faith they also had profound respect and acceptance for all major faiths, and even non faith.
One of my mother's favorite sayings was, "There are many ways to Chicago".
I was not raised in some obscure jungle tribe that only knows of the Woomu god and nothing else. I was raised and educated in the American culture that is a blend of many nations and cultures. My hometown had ten different church denominations. For this I find myself able to accept them all to some degree and take the best and discard the rest.
I can allow reason and not faith to guide my beliefs and free thinking to guide my actions.
I agree that many nations are isolated into one train of thought and practice and, I believe this is forced upon them. I can only myself be grateful that I can honor and respect all cultures and faiths equally with an open mind and uncluttered heart so I can obtain from them what is sound and sane while casting away the rest.
In this I have peace with all cultures and faiths while still having a distinct and separate independence of them.
I am devout only in that independence and resolute only in the freedom of free ideas and practice.
Only when I allow myself to become captured and captive to one faith and culture do I lose a peace that I am accustomed to.
So not all cultures are strict such that a person has to become indoctrinated by some various faction of ideas.
Sometimes I eat Italian food, sometimes it is Chinese food, sometimes middle-eastern cuisine and sometimes I will just settle for a burger and fries. I am sustained by variety and in the variety I identify with who I am.
So yes, some do only receive a narrow view of life in their respective countries and that narrow view is well... narrow, shortsighted and often lacking in the total richness that this life has to offer.
From an enlightened point of view all these gods cannot be the one true God.
It is ignorant to assume so. Ignorance and stupidity are siblings in the same family of belief.
Just because people cut themselves out of devotion to their god does not make their god anymore real than the next. Just because religion exists within the human condition does not make it any more true.
Religion can be, and in most cases is errant and therein lies the stupidity.
It has been said that, "Sincerity is no guarantee for truth".
Sincerity alone can get you a bad cup of coffee.
And, "Don't accept any wooden nickles".