@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:Why on hell are you leaving Dale?
They s'oft deleter my postings
Incidentally, side message to Software Geniuses: 'Deleter,' besides, as you report, is someone who deletes, but it's one of the most comm missps of 'delete,' which means to erase or wipe out. Caused by proximity of 'r' to 'e,'with my apolos for that long word, it means 'close-by-ness.' When your boss comes to insist you all learn to touch-type, you will come to understand such missps, BY WHICH I MEAN 'MISSPELLINGS, GTHE PLURAL {MORE'N ONE] PF 'MISSPELL,' WEHICH MEANS TO PUT A LETTER, LIKE 'A' RO 'B' IN THE WRONG PLASCE OR OTHERWISE make a word wrong
And, guys, 'ro' is the single most comm missp of missp for 'or,' one you probly know; think about it. And thanks to the Soft Ind for moving that Caps Lock key to the upper right of the kb, with its light, where it belongs. To think it took you only 23 years
By the wau, a2k Mgres, if ur listenin', I like a2k and some day hope to come back if and when you'd promise to quit delertin' my postin's