I don't know if I can do it...I need to have a break...and do some Pilates
Greet the dogs.
Take off my boots and put on my clogs.
Race the dogs to the back door - let 'em out while I take off my coat and hat and scarves and do a quick tidy of the pillows they've tossed around the living room during the day.
Let the dogs back in. Top up their water bowls and get them a treat.
Call Setanta. Turn on computer. Play Spider Solitaire while I talk to Setanta. Give the dogs more little treats while we're talking.
Notice I'm freezing. Turn thermostat up for the evening.
Wander around kitchen thinking about what might be edible.
Go online and start my rainforest clicking.
Put kettle on, and change into something comfy - which does NOT include a bra.
Keep clicking while I check in at the other sites I visit - s8 first, then sbuzz, then Taunton, sometimes p45, then here.
I missed out: Open the fridge door and just gaze at it's contents.
anyone else do that? :wink:
close front door
drop briefcase on table
hang key on keyhook
breathe sigh of relief...
A briefcase?
You must be important then!

no briefs in the briefcase -- its mainly a food & water transport...