Fri 28 Jan, 2005 11:35 am
I am such a cranky bastard today! ****!!! I'm so aggravated with everyone and everything!!! I HATE THIS F*CKING JOB!!!
I want to grab my computer monitor, throw it down on the ground, and jump up and down on it while screaming "F*CK ALL YOU MOTHERF*CKING BASTARD MOTHERF*CKERS!!!!"
I want to just throw one of those tantrums that you used to throw when you were a little kid. Remember those? You would be so out of control that you couldn't even breathe, tears just streaming down your puffy, red face, animal noises just heaving uncontrollably out of you from somewhere deep down in your guts, punching at anyone or anything within striking distance, kicking, screaming, just a complete freak-out.
I need one of those.
I wonder if I'm even capable of it anymore. Do we lose our ability to have tantrums at a certain age? I think it would be very therapeutic.
If I had done that my mommy would spank me.
Do you need a spanking?
I feel your pain Kicky, today sucks!
Kicky, been there!
Of course, I usually point to an open window and say, "My computer jumped, I couldn't stop it!!" but I get there sometimes. Work actually, is fine, great people, sometimes really interesting stuff, but I have experienced when I want to go ballistic, melt down and yell--I guess around the election.
Anyway, it's hard to go there anymore. I don't know whether we're concerned of being labelled crazy or whether we have a "governor" on our emotions. But I can't seem to take that step. I have too many ways to dissipate the anger. sigh.
But sometimes I think it would feel soooo good.
aw.... maybe you could borrow nephew for tantrum lessons.
I read that in Japan there's a place workers can go, it's like a warehouse full of defunct PC's and various hardware. You get kitted out with goggles, hardhats etc, then you opt for your 'tool of destruction' chainsaw, sledgehammer whatever...and then go to work. Sounds like a great stressbuster.
I'm giving you a virtual neck rub, then I'll give you an Indian head massage...that will sort you out.
...and don't Bogart that HUGE virtual spliff I just rolled you (on my supple thigh) :wink:
OOo, Kicky! Take a hint from Smorgs!
And littlek--ehhh, no thanks--don't miss 'em that much! Keep the nephew, but, no really, no thanks!
Yea, when I was in college, I think it was my final year of my masters work--ugh--I lived in an apartment whose back door faced a blank brick wall across an empty lot. At the bottom of the wall, twice a week for trash time, they'd leave these huge dumpsters open. We'd save up all of our bottles (pre-recycling, don't ya know) and when we got overwhelmed with classes, work, and projects, we'd open up the back door and hurl the bottles over to the wall and into the dumpsters. Something really satisfying about the smash of glass! So I totally get the Japanese thing.
Seems to me I recall several years ago there was a site flying around the internet, a virtual stress reliever. You chose a sledge hammer, buzz saw and a host of other implements and you could smash, crash and destroy with great sound effects!
Anyone remember that?
reminds me of the printer scene in "Office space".
One advantage of being female I guess is that occasional tantrums can get chalked up to raging hormones. Maybe you could claim to be pmsing?
smorgs wrote:...and don't Bogart that HUGE virtual spliff I just rolled you (on my supple thigh) :wink:
Of course, I do have two thighs...and they match :wink:
Samir: No, not again. I... why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days, I just kick this piece of **** out the window.
Michael Bolton: You and me both, man. That thing is lucky I'm not armed.
Samir: Piece of ****.
Dom Portwood: Hello, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports.
Peter Gibbons: Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh, Bill talked to me about it.
Dom Portwood: Yeah. Uh, did you get that memo?
Peter Gibbons: Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. The problem is, I just forgot this one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even a problem anymore.
Dom Portwood: Yeah. It's just that we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports *before* they go out now. So if you could just remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. Alright!
Peter Gibbons: Lumbergh's gonna have me work on Saturday. I can tell already. I'm gonna end up doin' it, because, uh...
Peter Gibbons: because I'm a big pussy... which is why I work at Initech to begin with.
Michael Bolton: Uh, yeah, well, I work at Initech and I don't consider myself a pussy, OK?
Samir: Yes, I am also not a pussy.
Bill Lumbergh: Ahh, I'm going to have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Sunday, too...
Michael Bolton: "PC Load Letter"? What the f*ck does that mean?
Peter Gibbons: You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
Bob Porter: Don't... don't care?
Peter Gibbons: It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime, so where's the motivation? And here's another thing, I have eight different bosses right now.
Bob Porter: Eight?
Peter Gibbons: Eight, Bob. So that means when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that, and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.
Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Samir Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar.
Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.
Samir: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?
Michael Bolton: No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.
Peter Gibbons: Lawrence, you awake?
Lawrence: Yeah.
Peter Gibbons: You wanna come over?
Lawrence: No, thanks, man. I don't want you f*cking up my life, too.
Bob Porter: Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.
Peter Gibbons: Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been *missing* it, Bob.
[Peter, Michael and Samir are trying to figure out how to launder money]
Peter Gibbons: I can't believe what a bunch of nerds we are. We're looking up "money laundering" in the dictionary.
Peter Gibbons: Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you're not feelin' real well, does anyone ever say to you, 'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays'?
Lawrence: No. No, man. ****, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.
Samir: [trying to decide if he should go along with the virus plot] I have a question.
Peter Gibbons: Yes?
Samir: In... in these conjugal visits, you can have sex with women?
Peter Gibbons: Yep, you sure can.
Samir: OK, I'll do it.
Re: I Wish I Could Throw a Tantrum
kickycan wrote:I want to just throw one of those tantrums that you used to throw when you were a little kid. Remember those? You would be so out of control that you couldn't even breathe, tears just streaming down your puffy, red face, animal noises just heaving uncontrollably out of you from somewhere deep down in your guts, punching at anyone or anything within striking distance, kicking, screaming, just a complete freak-out.
Naaah. Only spoiled kids get away with that.
Take two of these and compose yourself
OK, who'd win the shouting contest, Kristie or Kicky?
I'm thinking Kristie.
do what i do --
beat up the elevator...