Fri 19 Jan, 2018 07:02 pm
19a for cockneys, we have pattern of fabric ??a?e
48a why team pal agitates team pal ?l???a?e
63d drops tablet aboard ship ?p?l?s
noisily chews a pick c?o?s?
57d lack of profit after tax is careless of fisherman 3/4 ?e? l?s?
7d line by line is worn out 2/4 i? r???
36d mainly in the rogue gallery l?r?e??
9d scribe gets lowdown on queen r?p???e?
...I suspect 'the queen' reference gives the 'er' at the end.
As further riposte, I suspect that Brenda is looking for: a word that is in the dictionary, a word that contains 8 letters rather than 7, a word that means lowdown' plus 'er' at the end, and a word that means scribe.
Yes. We 'ave. Cockneys are said to drop the letter 'h' at the start of words.