Brittney Spears seems pretty dumb to me.
Anna Nicole Smith I would put more in the deranged catagory.
I would agree with the micheal jackson vote.
Not because he likes boys ( that just makes him sick!!!!)
But .. have you EVER listened to him talk?
he hardly ever makes sentances with words over 3 letters. His sentances have little to no meaning and he rambles and rambles. He sounds like a 5th grader himself. I would bet his IQ is less then 2 digits max!
Jackson, to me, seems to be a wounded bird, apparently preying on young himself. I don't think that says anything re his intelligence, he may be intelligent.
The rest of the celebs you mention haven't crossed my screen. So, be they all so dumb, why are you all knowing all so much about them?
busted by osso!
no rebuttle to THAT comment.. at all....;-)
kickycan wrote:Bill Gates.
How do ya figger that one?
(He's written some good articles/books & was a reasonably good programmer, for starters.)
Re: Who is the dumbest celebrity on the planet?
kickycan wrote:By the way, why is it that most of the dumbest people are women? Hmmm...
Perhaps it is because the media continues to vigorously propagate this myth? And say for someone like Jessica Simpson, is she really all that dumb if she can exploit something like this to her advantage? Sell more records, achieve front-page status, make buckets of money...
Monger wrote:kickycan wrote:Bill Gates.
How do ya figger that one?
(He's written some good articles/books & was a reasonably good programmer, for starters.)
That one I just threw in there to see if you guys were paying attention. :wink:
Brad Pitt
He's pretty dense without a script
ehBeth wrote:I don't think you can do Shakespeare and be dumb. I'm not a fan of most of Keanu's work, but he's done Shakespeare to some critical acclaim
To be or not to be dude, thats like totally the question.
Re: Who is the dumbest celebrity on the planet?
VooDoo wrote:kickycan wrote:By the way, why is it that most of the dumbest people are women? Hmmm...
Perhaps it is because the media continues to vigorously propagate this myth? And say for someone like Jessica Simpson, is she really all that dumb if she can exploit something like this to her advantage? Sell more records, achieve front-page status, make buckets of money...
There are equal numbers of dumb women and dumb men. It's just a whole lot easier for dumb women to become famous than dumb men.
Stupidity in a woman is often seen as "cute" or "charming." (Usually only in young women, though.) In a man, it's embarrassing. So it's not as likely for a dumb man to succeed...even in entertainment.
Nah, it's just because there are more dumb women than dumb men.
[size=7], I love to start trouble...[/size]
Dumb women have big tits though a lot of who cares?
I think everyone has overlooked the dumbest celebrity of all times.....Wile E. Coyote.....
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I think everyone has overlooked the dumbest celebrity of all times.....Wile E. Coyote.....
I think Mr. Magoo and Elmer Fudd have him beat, maybe.
:-) That was wonderful Bear, but I hope dlowan dosen't hear that.
...I had been wondering what Elmer was up to these days.
Years ago I read a Playboy interview with that football player Bret (Brent?) Farve. I couldn't believe that the magazine even ran it! That guy was a total moron.
And now I see he has a book on the bestseller list.
I guess he's either not so dumb or he's well marketed.
I also think there is a reason they don't let fashion models talk.
I'm going to go with Paris Hilton on this one, folks.
I guarantee the foo-foo dog perpetually squatting in her hand could beat her in a spelling contest.
This is what Paris DOES for a living: she turns her head 45 degrees. If you've seen Paris on TV, you've seen her doing this, the little quarter head turn. The only time she's EVER moved her head in another direction was up and down in the BJ video.
She's very much like a little dog, in a way, the photographer says, "Paris!" and she tilts her head. My parents' dog does that when you say his name!
I vomit and then swallow everytime I see someone from Hollywood who totes a dog around as an accessory--so this would include Nicole Ritchie and Jessica Simpson.
But I digress. The REAL reason I'm upset is because there are plenty of trailer park hookers with hearts of gold who are cast aside with black eyes, because they do not have acess to gobs of orange body paint (fake tan), Louie Vitton bags, and dogs so small that hamsters prey upon them.
I secretly LUV Ashlee Simpson (though I am simultaneously bashing her in another thread--no way am I loser, hating on celebreites in cyberspace all day long!) because we are able to watch all the Hollywood indulgence and distorted self-image get bashed apart by consecutive public embarassments. We are watching the famous-for-being-famous gimmick fall apart at the seams, and all that's left underneath is a scared little brat. It's cute, but if you waste even MORE time watching her show, you see what a DUMB person with very petty concerns whine and whine and unleash her small problems on everyone around her.
Not unlike myself.
But thanks to the Tsunami, whenver someone complains about traffic, or that their dog accidentally fell through a sewer grate, all you have to say is "Tsunami" to put things in perspective, and to make someone feel totally crappy.