From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website... I couldn't help but think of this thread:
Updated: 12:40 a.m. | Several national news outlets, including The Associated Press reported late Friday night that Mitt Romney has chosen 42-year-old Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) as his running mate.(138)
Updated: 12:14 a.m. | Mourners from all walks of life gather in sadness
We maybe moving soon
My mother found out I was using her dildo/vibrator...
Define "Evil"...
Who ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall?
Forgive me, chai2 -
It looks like it's Paul Ryan!!!
Definately not a cyst....
Mass Shooting At Denver Batman Movie Premiere
It looks like it's Paul Ryan!!!
i guess the joker's innocent
Help Wanted
On Voting Republicans Out Of Office
without girl friend how entertain my self?
Coutnry music of the 40's, 50's and early 60's
How to get my man want my vagina more?
Very Small Life Pleasures
Romney 2012?
Procrastination maybe a good thing.
Odd, strange, or bizarre news stories from Florida
Tonight's Presidential Candidate Debate...
Good riddance Obama party here Thursday night
I was wrong
CIA Chief Petraeus resigns as result of extra-marital affair
Now what, USA?
How to have more fun with sex?
Worlds Best Sloppy Joe
jes(well, that's one way)pah
Penis itching and pimples on it?
What is the best material for bathroom vanity?
I Just Don't Understand Drinking and Driving
Hicks...They're Everywhere
What life lesson did you learn in 2012?
A German prostitute told me she did not accept Black Guys