- Ask a stupid question
- What would you do with 250 million$?
And this one:
What would you do with $250 million?
I would wager that this woman voted for George Bush....
(That's a quick way to double your money!)
If you had a chance to go out with someone on A2k.......Is it too early to get excited?
So what's for breakfast today?
This run (all in this exact order as of now) brought a rueful smile:
How will the Government choose to pay the costs of Katrina?
Officer: 9/11 panel didn't receive key information
Bush Adm. corruption stink getting stronger
The Democrats Gloat Thread
John Stewart Looked at his Audience and Said......
Bush Hitting the Bottle Again?
List of Links to Find People Displaced by Katrina
Ohio High School Has 64 Pregnant Students
i resisted posting this throughout the tragedy of katrina, but these titles have been together for almost 3 weeks and they make me smile every time i see them
proof that god is punishing us
from the general news forum
Catholics irked when school admits kids of gay couple
New Orleans Flooding Again Already!
PICASSO Genius or Charlatan
If it's Pica, I'll eat my hat.
Gus would love this one...
Who did you want to be like?
The Kari Krolick thread
Stupid Ideas...
need advice about contacting old girlfriend
And I have a feeling "I have been touched by his noodly appendage!" is going to have some hilarious pairings.
Did you know........
I have been touched by his noodly appendage!
(I knew that wouldn't take long! - pun intended)
Dangit, I want these 2 to be next to each other!!!
I have been touched by his noodly appendage!
Is it to early to get excited?
Dear Punk-ass
What is your username?
Haha. I was waiting for that one too, jespah.
Eva - gettin' feisty!
An open letter to my unborn children.
Dear Punk-ass
Is it to early to get excited?
Weird questions in semi earnest....
Potty Training 18 months
Eva's Personal Indulgence Day