Despite a bipartisan effort...
Iraqi artwork dedicated to shoe-Bush-basher
Surely you have wondered why I Hate Underwear
This isn't really appropriate for this thread but there was noplace else to put it without starting a new thread.
The thread title was funny and the tags even funner:
Who the HELL puts things together with screw thingies smaller than PEPPERCORNS, fer crissake???!!!
Tags: Home Improvement, Self-Assembly Insanity, Teeny Screws, Lilliputian Torture, Helpless Australians
Where am I - Travel Game II.
Did we ever really land on the moon?
I think it's mostly Hamas' fault...
Dear Mr. President
Who the HELL puts things together with screw thingies smaller than PEPPERCORNS, fer crissake???!!!
Swimmer Michael Phelps was a millionaire before he won 8 gold medals at the Olympics
"Just Because He's Black"
he hides it well
twenty-eight baby girls found in suitcases
Lost and misplaced a2k paople
Despite a bipartisan effort, is homosexuality unnatural?
Lost and misplaced A2K people
everything eaten yesterday
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Am I losing interest in my boyfriend?
(The last thing you'(d) put in your mouth....)
( I admit I added added the apostrophe d - it works better that way and continues Bear's theme).
Breast Lumps
Translate to Latin

(in fact, I really would be curious to know what the latin for breast lumps is).
Maybe I'll ask George on the latin thread
Actually, I was laughing and I got it wrong - it was the other way around-
Translation to Latin
Breast Lumps
Neverending Rap Battle
Is it better to have one or two dogs? ( or DAWGZ)
I am under immense pressure to perform - any suggestions?
You can keep your socks on...
Victoria Ablaze
Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news
Dear Mr. President
Where is the US economy headed?
Grading the Stimulus Ideas
riddle help pls
Traveling on the cheap
Like so many others?
The last thing you put in your mouth
Breast lumps
This isn't really funny - but they fit together nicely- and since it is Darwin's birthday:
Intelligent Design Theory- science or religion...anti-Darwin?