Advice Requested: Dating traps in a new city
Do one night stands ever turn into more?
Cheating on your spouse can be more of a blessing than a sin
How to tell?
I'm thinking about going gay...
Is this a good idea for revenge?
What the hell is wrong with me?
I'm a Stalker!
What the hell is wrong with me?
Women like the penis?
For all you single and taken women out there
I'll Pull Out, I Promise.
My honest opinions about women
Women like the nostril
Jesus Christ Bashing Thread
Jesus Henry Christ is King of The Shoes not Jews,,, Hello!
Christian propaganda - it's everywhere.
Babbling Streams of Consciousness...
Haha! You've been having fun today, Mame!

I'm out of a job and I'm bored! Can ya tell? ha ha
Six words about anything
Five word forum.
this is gonna require some math
Pulling the No-Sex Card
If you had the chance
Would you pay off Hillary's debt?
Top General Points up the Incompetence
The Ignorant American Voter
Obama Would be Killed if Elected
Hillary the Assassin
Yeah, that's right, it's another three-word weirdo thread.
John McCain has always been a phony & a scumbag; want proof?
Sex/nudity on TV for Children
A rare 4 parter
To All People of the World, Join...
Importing Baby products from China to Africa
Dealing with moms that are dealing with....
The Beltway elite; so very far removed from us...
Fight the U.N. Gun Ban
Why Does Barack Obama Want To Ban All Our Guns?
Obama supporters: where do you differ from your candidate?
face sit dildo humiliation bondage medical ass
An A2K Chastity Vow
What made you smile today?
never ever trust the french
todays breaking news stories
Today's NewsBreaking Stories
Fathers babysitting their own kids.
hee hee
Fear of a Black President
Fear of a Republican President
Fear mongering: how susceptible are you?
Is this actually a pregnant man?
more bullshit