Whatever happened to the water-fueled engine?
1983 Mercedes 300D-T not starting
Chat With Reyn
Yeah, that's right, it's another three-word weirdo thread
sorry reyn, i couldn't resist
Obama '08?
Top scientist claims black people 'stupid'
He Hit Me
How is a Vibrator Used Judicially?
(I can now think of an answer for that question...)
Bush, a poor manager of ................
Water Filtration
Improve your vocabulary AND be a do-gooder
Yeah, that's right, it's another three-word weirdo thread.
Bush, a poor manager of ................
What should be done about illegal immigration?
Bush, a poor manager of ................
Just saying Hi!!!
Sorry, sorry. That Bush thing just lends itself so well to things.
A triple.......
My dog is trying to hump my cat and it's not funny!
How do I train my dog, again?
How to train a cat
In the Politics section:
Bush, a poor manager of ................
I dislike...
Nobody (else)
WTF Kiwis are not australian
Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution
Is there anything worse than death?
Sex and Bondage
I dislike...
The Person Beneath Me
my hubby left me
Just Got Back From Doing Some A2K Holiday Shopping and ...
Afraid of death
Were the presents THAT bad? Or was it the mall? It was the mall, wasn't it. Depressing, depressing places... neverending Christmas music... yeah, that'd do it.
World should give thanks for America
The Last Thing You Put in Your Mouth
take a look at the "at a glance" page now and again, and you might be privy to this sort of thing:
(in consecutive order)
Quote:Could You Help Me Make My Grocery List?
Quote:I'm a little pissed. Should I be?