That may be what I remember..
I am an extreme liberal
Straight-up Jackbooted Thuggery
Zygote, Fetus, Clump of Cells, Alive, Dead???
Stop all these bleeding hearts - its food!
Zygote, Fetus, Clump of Cells, Alive, Dead???
Presidential candidates I Would and Would Not Vote For
Capital Punishment --- For or Against?
Somebody shoot me... Please
Million Muslim March.
Makes My Blood Run Cold
Selling old coins
Taking drugs
Have i wasted 5 years of my life?
A triple zinger, give that woman a ribbon!
How do I say I love you?
Cyber Sex...
Buddhism - where do I start.
Too late, it's already weird
1st Cousin Sex
You're going to regret that...
HA! Tico, I wonder if he did.
Evangelicals Push for Mass Exit at Public Schools
We Like This Type of Murder?
Muslim Cleric's remarks....
Can Dragons Hover?
Jesus Christ and homosexuality.
Do you believe in miracles?
A "senior citizens' playground scheme"
1st Cousin Sex
(what a goldmine that "1st cousin sex" is!)
Look into your wallet or purse
It's an emotional issue
What happened on 9/11
And the question is...
Did the earth move for you, too, darling?
Global Orgasm???
where is the incentive?