As most of you know, I was in New York recently, on business, and I thought I would take the opportunity to meet some of the A2K members who reside in that glorious city which they call "The Big Apple"
The plane landed and I immediately called Kickycan. Who better than Kickycan to give me a tour of the city?
Kicky answered on the third ring....
"Kickster here"
"Yeah, Hi, Kick. It's Gus. I'm in town."
"Where ya at?"
"On the way"
The Kickster picked me up at the airport and informed me that there was a gathering of A2K folks at some bar. I asked who would be there and when he told me Joe Nation, Frank Apisa, Blatham, Lola, Dagmaraka, and some really hot friend of Dag's from some weird European country I almost crapped my pants.
"Joe's gonna be there?!"
"Of course Joe will be there" , Kicky replied.
I was shocked. Joe, my mentor.... I would finally meet him face to face. My pulse quickened. And then I thought of Lola. My sweet Lola. The woman I have dreamed about forever. The woman who was only pushed aside by one other in my dreams.... the goddess Dagmaraka, the mysterious creature from the East. And Dag was going to be there!
Dag. Joe. Lola. Frank. My senses were reeling. How could I handle this all at once? These were my A2K heros.
But Blatham? I told Kicky to stop the cab.
"What's going on, Gus?," Kicky asked, a look of concern etched on his Italian gangster face. "Why we stoppin?"
I told him of my fears of meeting Blatham, he of the snake-tongue. Kicky assured me Blatham was not only harmless, but a fairly sociable character as well.
I had the courage to continue on. We met. All of us. Except for one.
I was very impressed by the beauty, wit, and charm of Lola and Dagmaraka. I laughed, cried, and shared gentle moments with these two beautiful creatures. I found myself candidly dabbing the corners of my mouth, stifling a laugh, as they regaled me with stories from their respective corners of the world.
Blatham and Frank were eloqent, witty, and, might I say..... enduring. They were like two long-lost brothers
And Kicky. What can I say about the Kickster. The moment we met I knew I had discovered a human being just as twisted and demented as myself. We looked at each other, saw our souls reflected in each other's eyes, and raced together, hugging, kissing, crying, reflecting. The joy of finally meeting caused euphoric release as we collapsed to the ground, our arms and legs serpentined.
But, excuse me, dear reader, I have rambled on. You beg for pictures. And here they are forthcoming.
My only regret is that Joe Nation was unable to attend....