Wed 5 Jan, 2005 10:17 pm
you ever get that random thought in your mind that just makes you go WTF? i mean im sitting here listening to Stephen Lynch and to fix my computer and random thoughts just pop in my head... i.e.
Random thought # 1: If you were a girl who would be?
Random thought # 2: Now would have sex with said girl if she came on to you?
now not all of my random thoughts are of having sex with myself if i was a girl... but its just an example of the most odd and disturbing to myself...
Seed... you need help.
eh welcome to my life...
i love you superjuly
i think that blow to the head has caused a stutter
Explain your questions as in:
Would I have my memories and life after I become the other person or would I forget I was ever me?
Do you mean have sex with the girl I was (in impossible events land) or the question stands without me ever being her?
im just dandy... and i;ve always had stupid thoughts...
Yeah, me too.
Without understanding your questions I would have to say:
Jessica Alba
well the questions dont really have any defined perimeters other then they are just throughts that pop into my head... but feel free to set your own parimeters... and then we can discuss...
This is a GREAT question.
The problem is, is that since I see the second one coming, it is impossible to answer honestly.
Like, my answer to the first question was the drummer from The Donna's, but only because I then wanted to imagine myself "doing it" with her for question number two.
But this would be a great question to ask someone verbally, and then asking the second one after they answer.