Mon 6 Nov, 2017 03:23 pm
For years now visitors [Sons Eeliey and Nyli, fam friend Ekim] have been annoyed by the slowness of my cursor. I'd tell' em to just pick it up and slam it down, which worked pretty well many times for me. But they'd insist I change the batt. Sounds perf log'l
So of course we did, and seemed to solve the prob. For a day or two anyhow
So....this went on for years, maybe decades, til I discovered mebbe the real reason: The mouse has an on-off switch; and you'll find this malfunction repeatedly in any device usin' one, that you don't flip allatime
Actually yo'd think Mfrs of the World wold've realized it by now, but no, no more'n'lize how "yo'd" 's a missp of '"you'd." Fellas, it's short for 'you would.' Problem here, like almost everywhere else, like the effect'v an on-n-oofer, owes to the almost complete lack of comm 'tween mfr & mfr; 'tween Mfr & Cust; & vv
Oh fellas, "wold've" missp of "would've,' which in turn is short for 'would have.'
Makes me tink'va a certain water timer, a perf prod in every resp 'ceptin' one: The solenoid valve flies apart. On each and every of my 13 timers on my 2.5 acres. I've complained of it for years now; but's like talkin' Chinese to a Vietnamese
World horribly f'dup
Oh a2k'er. Not for esl. If you don't 'stand why an on-off switch's a Mfg 'stake, 'course you won't 'stand my abbrs either. However, open for q's
So'f'ya need it 'splained, whenever you find your new battery gadget not working, suspect on-off switch. Almost always it can be expected to go open or hi-resistance 'less you flip it once in a while
So if any questions [yea, q's] I'm available, easy to get along with