Fell from the Chestnut tree, au...
It must fit, I have been "roasting by the open fire" all morning....
(never seen it so damn cold in Ga. for so many mornings in a row, since 1995!!!)
dyslexia wrote:from the fruit of their labours shall we know them.
I know. You could've picked apple out for me immediately. Quiet, shy, lots of charm, appeal (Is that an apple joke?), pleasant attitude,
SENSITIVE-- well, that's a dead give away.
Apple Tree (Love) --
quiet and shy at times = yes
lots of charm, appeal, and attraction = yes
pleasant attitude = usually
flirtatious smile = definitely
adventurous = no
sensitive = sometimes
loyal in love = now that I am older
wants to love and be loved = who doesn't?
faithful and tender partner = again, now that I am older
very generous = yes
many talents = well I hate to brag...I have some.
loves children = this one is a stretch....
needs affectionate partner = absolutely
It is pretty accurate for me but extremely accurate for my hubby.
Rowan Tree (Sensitivity) -- full of charm, cheerful, gifted without
> egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even
> complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic,
> passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.
Fits me like a condom....errr...glove