Sat 25 Dec, 2004 12:25 pm
Goerge W. Bush has won 2004 elections. Everybody is talking of a pre-emptive attack on Iran. Why? They are intending to develop nuclear weapons- that is what our leaders are telling us. But, where is the real danger?Have a look at North Korea. An stalinist regime at the beginning of the 21th century, whose ruthless leaders are crazy enough to sell their tactical nukes( maybe they have already got an ICBM) to a terrorist group.
My words may sound paranoid, but just imagine the devastating consequences of a nuclear attack on any American city. Not only our democratic system would collapse, but also it would begin an economic recession which would overcome our more pesimistic thoughts. America cannot assume this risk. Each second is an opportunity for the world spread terrorism.
I'm sure, your president will appreciate your advice.
Welcome to A2K, Thomas Hayden.
About your signature line, Walter; there is another kind of knowledge. The kind we only think we have.