Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:39 pm
Adam is a 19 year old college freshman just returning from a year long worldwide tour with the peace corps. he is complaining of a stiff neck, muscle fatigue on his left side, difficulty urinating, and constipation. physical exam reveals fasciculation of the neck, a positive babinski reflex, and drooling. patent was irritable during exam, refused spinal tap, and stormed out of the office.
Is your instructor asking for a diagnosis, or what?
God forbid there is a patient waiting! Especially if it's what I think it is.
Nothing a load of sausages, pork pies and black puddings can't sort out.
melvo wrote:
Adam is a 19 year old college freshman just returning from a year long worldwide tour with the peace corps. he is complaining of a stiff neck, muscle fatigue on his left side, difficulty urinating, and constipation. physical exam reveals fasciculation of the neck, a positive babinski reflex, and drooling. patent was irritable during exam, refused spinal tap, and stormed out of the office.
I honestly hope this is not part of you trying to become a doctor --- how the heck are you going to cheat when you actually have a real live patient requiring your attention?