WHOOO WEEE BABY!!...Gus got it goin' on!!
Yep, once you get him out of the swamp and scrubbed up - he's a looker alright!
Wonder if he'd loan me them there shoes?
<Gus wanders into the thread and ignores Mr. Stillwater's besmirchment and instead strolls up to the counter to see if the waiting list for shewolf's administrations is shorter than the one over at kickycan's thread. Gus is delighted to see the numbers are still in the double digits, reaches up, grabs #36, and sits quietly in a chair, leafing through a magazine as he waits for his name to be called.>
Oh oh, this is worse than I thought.
Shewolf is not only doing people, but random mumbers and letters as well.
you call it love,
gus calls it service.
I call it whenever I need it.
Gus and Dys sittin in a tree
first comes love
then comes marriage
then come little sheep in a baby carriage
Hmmm, let's see, she's doing #10 right now, and my number is 36, so that means I should be serviced sometime around Saturday morning, 11:15, or so.
I'll be back.
ya know.. christmas spirit and all....
hey, now, where's my thread?
Kickys face graces my thread.
I must be blessed..
shewolfnm wrote:I must be blessed..
Well, if you must, you must.
Bless you. ......................... ba da bing! :wink:
: wipes holy water off of face:
that was a sloppy blessing!!!!!
: gives FY a BIG sloppy wet dog kiss:
you are blessed my child.

: lol:
shewolfnm wrote:: gives FY a BIG sloppy wet dog kiss:
you are blessed my child.

: lol:
Dang, I was posting on another thread, yet I
still felt that kiss. you really
are a witch, huh?