Yeah, that one's kind of rusty, too...
Here's a REAL bear trap:
(And I so wish I had never googled honey, I can tell you.)
dlowan wrote:Here's a REAL bear trap:
(And I so wish I had never googled honey, I can tell you.)
just like you ms. buns...I don't want to eat it...I just want to taste it... :wink:, nice bear, cute bear...
tsk sk ms. that any way to react to a Winnie The Pooh reference?
Have you noticed Google has two polar bears today?
yes,,every Christmas...the royalties come in handy.....
kickycan wrote:dlowan is right. I don't know where my dangerous reputation comes from. C'mere bunny. Let's snuggle.
* sigh *
... can't turn my back for a moment ... that wascally wabbit ...
You don't know the half of it.....
Hey all. Bear, I've been crazy busy doing home improvements here in the house and with all the Christmas running around, I haven't had much time to play.
I miss you guys and I love ya, man!!!!!
i love you too montana...
Awwww!!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :-D

notice my location under my avatar Montana
Well damn, why are you out there in the cold, up that tree? Get in here!!!!
im never cold when there are thoughts... and sights... of you
Like I said, get in here ;-)
hot diggity dog! here i come and watch out!
Maybe you should be the one to watch out. I'm feelin pretty frisky these days!
frisk away then my sweet montana... frisk away