Another Open Letter...

Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2017 02:30 pm
[Oh a2k Mgrs, please read carefully this'n as I've tried everythin' I can think of to abide by the many rules...though yes, it's too long, but like I tolja last time, you can delete any of the " [.....] 's"

.....I really tried, to spell out all the abbrs in this Email postin' to my buddies all over the World, but if still too long, please don't just go ahead an' delete, but lemme know and I'll foreshorten it]

'Mem' tho, if you do decide to delete it anyhow, it took me some 5-1/2 hours to compose

Still, Mgmt, we kidja but still luvya

...to Tibro:

In a plea to the 'Engineer,' whom I so often kid for his apparent incompetence, there is my new telephone…Supposedly, 'Engineers,' you know what you're doing but none of the rest of us does [When I inquired last time, you 'Engineers' at (name disguised to prevent lawsuits) Tibro wouldn't even respond when I asked you whether you'd corrected that design defect in your otherwise excellent timer, that had put out of commission every one of my 13 watering stations].

The bad one [the apparenty defective telephone mentioned above] had failed by ringing and receiving okay, but then the caller couldn't hear me when I answered; so…[and our thanks to the 'Engineers' for making a new one so inexpensive…] we plugged it in ['it' presumably identical the old'n that quit, in every other way], but charging it up got a message to the effect we had to do something more [BH or HS or something like that]. So, Googling, I was instructed to place it not in the 'Charger,' but in its 'Base [that is, the Charging Unit supplied with the phone, not the Base Unit, which has all those controls].

Thus maybe what we had done wrong upon first receiving it was plugging it into something we thought was a base but was actually a charger, which somehow messed up its programming [We complain about The Software Community, guilty of some 28 million or so frustrating 'Glitches,' eg, typically after some 27 years their 'Engineers' haven't yet 'cognized 'isd' as the single most common misspelling of 'is'….].

[ 'Registering, please wait.'] Then after a minute or two it gurgled at me, whereupon there was a new message about one 'missed call,' [as well as 35 others]. That's the kind of message we get all of the time; so it must be working !

Yet I had promised my BH [better half; meaning wife, husdband, etc] not to push any of the buttons, as she's so much smarter than me [She is too ! ] so I took it back to her and asked if she'd try it out, see if it really was. Accordingly she called another number [her office]. When she then spoke into it [the new phone I mean, not her office], just as one usually does, I thought we could hear ringing , so 'Yes,' she observed, 'it's working.'

'But,' I objected, 'why can't you retrieve your message??' Spending about another half hour with Mom, she attempted various other approaches, until it became apparent that it still wasn't. Clearly there's something about its programming that requires the attention of an 'Engineer.'

So I suggested we put it aside for another week or two until our No. 1 Son Eli Tocs, a highly-paid aerospace Engineer, could reprogram it or whatever else was needed, on his next visit. Now you'll note that time I didn't use the " ' " 's; 'cause he's a real one….

[Oh boy, Eli, if you getin' this (My OP's get deleted sometimes for no apparent reason) thanks gazillions for that nifty little gooseneck battery lamp, love it. Lotsa new eotic imported brew next visit, says Mom]

[Oops a2k Mgrs, OP = Original Posting]

[Honest to God all they haven't. Try highlighting 'isd', then….]

[Oh and speakin' of Glitch, a2kbWeb Forum, been some 18 years now (12 ? 'cordin' to your 'Contact Us') please please please stop the bottom of your Edit Page from jumpin' up and down, up and down, uncontrollably.]

Dale Hileman
Apple Valley

Footnote to Tibro, forwarded from a2k:

In a plea to the 'Engineer,'[ whom I so often kid for his apparent incompetence], there's ......Supposedly, 'Engineers,' you know what you're doin,' but none of the rest of us does [When I inquired last time, you 'Engineers' at (name disguised to prevent lawsuits) Tibro wouldn't even respond when I asked you whether you'd corrected that design defect in your otherwise excellent timer 91213 that had put out of commission every one of my 13 watering stations].......
Thank you though 'Engineers,' for that timer, excellent in every other way...
[...though I was offered a new one, free, if I promised not to disassemble it. Well, if you've fixed the defect by now....]

Thanks millions
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley

[Oh 'etc,' that's 'etcetera,' which means 'and soforth.']
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Type: Question • Score: 0 • Views: 422 • Replies: 10
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2017 08:54 pm

I read read every single one of your posts on here with the hope that I will eventually understand what flows from your mind and into the computer.

I still don't.

That is all.
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2017 09:58 pm

I read read every single one of your posts on here
I am flattered

with the hope that I will eventually understand...I still don't
Hang in there, Dise
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2017 08:35 pm
What model is your phone?
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 12:51 am
I'm not sure Blick 'cause their 'Engineers' forgot to label the base unit with any sort of mfg's name or symbol [mebbe purposeful, mebbe they're somehow ashamed]. However my BH, who is much smarter than I, says it's AT&T
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 11:24 am
Any way to find out from the charger, handset or base what the model is? Is the box still around?
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 01:19 pm
or base what the model
CL 83213
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 01:39 pm
So the problem is, you can take incoming calls fine, but when you dial another person they can't hear you talk?
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 03:48 pm
That's right Blick. That's the phone we're trying to replace, though the supposedly identical new one doen't work either, apparently needing some kinda programming, but I'm goin' to turn our very competent No. 1 Son loose on it at his next visit
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 07:43 pm
How many handsets, (the thing you talk into), did you get with this? Apparently you can have quite a few.
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 10:20 pm
I think Blick we had two, one in a charger, the other in a base unit, 'til the failure of one; now of course three, the new one as I described, unable to employ
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