That'll be a good topic for the HOLIdays' family gathering, won't it?
her mom hacked into her email and deleted it before she got it. Thank god. Whew. I thought it was going to be an uncomfortable Christmas dinner.
superjuly wrote:stand up for pessimism wrote:Didn't kicky already cover this topic?
Did he? I swear I looked and didn't find anything!
I was just razzin' ya anyway....his thread is old!!!!
How bout a competition? See who's thread gets the longest?
stand up for pessimism wrote:
How bout a competition? See who's thread gets the longest?
I think Kickycan has already covered that one too...
Randomly is definitely the key. Washing dishes, cleaning the downstairs bathroom, working on a crossword puzzle, making brownies chatting with my son's friend and looking over A2K a bit in between.
A cup of tea does sound really good right now though.
Waiting for the kettle to boil so that I can make a fresh cup of tea.
Cleaning out my yahoo bookmarks. Wondering why I have
this bookmarked. I bookmarked it about 5 years ago - but why?
superjuly wrote:stand up for pessimism wrote:
How bout a competition? See who's thread gets the longest?
I think Kickycan has already covered that one too...
Like I said, his is old!!!! Well no matter what you guys do, i'll keep watchin' the posts add up!
No, really ehBeth... Why?
Me --> Flossing.
god, i hope lucky is a cat or dog
Listening to Cleo snore, and listening to the CBC radio feature on children's books for the holiday season. One of my favourite features of the year - I used to love it when they did it on Morningside. I miss Peter Gzowski.
Eating nachos and rolling up a roll of white stickers that keeps on unrolling. I might sharpen my pencil soon.
Eating lunch - avacado on toast.
Scanning the blurb on the back of the paperback I'm cataloging.
'BLING is killer, sexy and full of juice'
Ho hum, there's another.... letsee... 509 pages of crap I'll never waste another second on.
Eating dinner, waiting for my housemate to be done with some work so we can watch sex in the city.
littlek wrote:Eating dinner, waiting for my housemate to be done with some work so we can watch sex in the city.
going in to town to check out some porn or live action? Very Slappy!