Sat 1 Jul, 2017 01:57 pm
What are everyone's thoughts on outpatient vs inpatient? I just accepted a position at a hospital, and was soon offered a job at an outpatient clinic with FANTASTIC hours. I really think I will be so much happier with the hours at the outpatient clinic. Problem is, I signed a 2 year, $6000 contract. I'm just curious to what everyone's preferences are and the pros and cons to both positions. Thank you!
@Nurse Jackie,
Which patients do you give a hoot about?
What hospital are you going to, so I can avoid it?
ossobucotemp wrote:What hospital are you going to, so I can avoid it?
I saw her on TV. She does drugs.
Um I care about all patients...
Why would you want to avoid it?
@Nurse Jackie,
Nurse Jackie wrote:Stupid show.
Yes. I watched it but each week I thought "This is stupid". I liked Edie Falco because she was good in The Sopranos.
@Nurse Jackie,
Outpatient is better because you don't have to worry about intake forms. The patients are more patient (pun intended).
But man is this question a first world problem.