There is not a snowball's chance in H3ll that I will ever respond to this thread.....
Don't you dare go tempting me now....
I am sooooo over posting to this thread!
Too late. You're screwed.
Hey, all. When I try to go to my home page, it says hacked by matrix, or something. Anyone else having that trouble?
I would answer that, Letty, but that would be responding to this thread, and ebrown doesn't want us to do that.
Oops, I did it, didn't I?
I promise I won't do it again.
Cross my heart and hope to die.
I'm not going to respond to anything I've read.
Ceili just responded and that is despicable. Now I would never do that.
I refuse to respond to being called despicable.
It is beneath me.
I would however like to say...that whenever I see or pronounce the word despicable, I imagine daffy duck.