Sun 9 Feb, 2003 05:54 pm
To these boards. I see that my friend brunt has already made his entrance.

I hope you don't mind if he is grumpy, but he is nice.
I've also been posting on IMDb, these boards here looks like lots of fun. Looks like it will take me some time to make myself familiar with all the stuff on these boards.
Nice to see you all!
I've yet to meet brunt, but I'm sure you'll both fit in real well. Welcome
Thanks for the welcome!
I'm trying to find my way around!
Hi *caramel*, and welcome! Need any specific pointers?
Welcome, caramel! Have fun wandering around, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Welcome caramel, yell if you need assistance.
Welcome caramel! Brunt as well!
Welcome aboard! Enjoy yourselves. If you've been playing on the IMDb site that you'll probably fit in with the movie buffs here just fine!
Welcome Caramel, enjoy this great site!
Welcome caramel, you sound so sweet!
So glad to have you aboard. I just have
the greatest fun here - the folks are all
pretty darned wonderful, friendly and
all quite respectful of differences. We all
agree to disagree, frequently. But, all
in a great, fascinating & enjoyable
atmosphere. Hope you like it here as
much as I do. Any time I can help you
with any of the mechanics of how things
work (if I can) I'll be happy to. For
all the complicated stuff - see Jespah
or Phoenix, probably. WELCOME!!!
hey, what part of canada are u from?
i am from toronto.
Delighted to meet you, caramel!
Hey brunt welcome to A2k seems like you are making yourself right at home. Learning to use all the bell and wistles takes awhile but it is not difficult. If you need any help just ask. Many of us well be more than happy to help you out.
Looks like your having a whole heckuva lot of fun there brunt!
Please Brunt....
Now behave yourself, what will these fine folks think of you!
Ah, I see you've made it to the forums, *caramel*! Excellent! :-D
Hello there, brunt .. Welcome!