Do you believe in Karma?

Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 10:24 am
I don't. But if I did, last night was a prime example of it biting me in the ass.

I'm at a bar with my roomate after the Celtics game. I order a Red Bull/orange vodka.....$11. She was already making the drink, so I sucked it up and bought the damn thing. Not only that, but she puts it in some damn Dixy cup.

Anyhoo, I'm standing "enjoying" my shot of a drink while my roomate is in the bathroom. A girl walks up to me. I'm going to be nice here, and just say that she wasn't very attractive. I don't have to go into the fact that she looked like an overstuffed Ewok, or that she was wearing the worst clothing I've ever seen.

Her(very drunk): Why aren't you danthing? Whath wrong with you?

Me: I'm very distraught. I just paid $11 for a drink.

Her: Tho why aren't you danthing? You shud be danthing.(she tries to give me a semi-hug).

Me: Who are you here with?!? WHO LET YOU OUT?!!?!?

Her: You shud be danthing.... (she hobbles off into the night).

(Now, I'm actually not a mean person. But when the opportunity for me to say something that I think is very funny comes up, sometimes I can't pass. I will say I restrained myself from mocking her shirt to her face. I was close).

So back to karma. We walk back to my car, and find it on the back of a tow truck. 5 minutes and $75 later we're driving home.

Do you believe in karma? Anything happen to you that made you a believer?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 482 • Replies: 6
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 10:35 am
Well, in your case it was bad Karma chasing another
bad Karma experience.

I guess that's the law of Karma: one incident that is
handled unpleasantly will follow another unpleasant
incident, and vice versa. If you had handled the
first occurance with the girl more gracefully, your second
event would have been accordingly in your favor. Wink

Yes, I do believe in Karma, and I have had many
experiences to make me a believer, however, they are
too private to discuss.
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 11:51 am
Totally. I do it all the time, to a ridiculous extent.

For example, I have an iffy connection. I sit down to reply to an email, get distracted by A2K, don't write the email, and the connection goes poof. This is logical to me. Rolling Eyes When I get the connection back, I reply first thing and then am confident that the connection will stay a while. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I have lots of examples on a larger scale, too, though. Went out of my way to help someone, didn't ask for or receive any repayment, won two mountain bikes in a contest the next week. That kind of thing happens to me a LOT.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 11:53 am
Hey, I broke up with my girlfriend....that night the Red Sox began their comeback against the Yankees in Game 4...later that week won the American League pennant, and I got a raise at work.


Yes. But it was a nice way to start my first single week in a long time.
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 11:54 am
Well, maybe it was HER karma. Boyfriend broke up with her, but hey, the Red Sox won!

Not sure about the raise...
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 11:58 am
Again, I don't believe in this stuff. It's just funny how things happen sometimes.
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 12:03 pm
I don't believe it either. Hence all the eye-rolls. I think it's one of the ways that humans try to exercise more control over their environment than they really have. That doesn't stop me from going straight to that email reply, though.
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