Mon 8 May, 2017 09:01 am
Hi. Does anyone know if there are any statistics available for the population of the British Empire from 1750? My Son has been set this as a History homework question and we have scoured the net and several libraries and can't find even estimated statistics anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
Britiain mainland's 1776 population was 6.5-7.5 m and respectively, American colonies. approx. 1.2 million in 1776.
that info can be obtained if you Google the phrase, "British Empire population in 1750, etc. Try it and you'll get dozens of hits that will help you put it all together.
you'll have to research what countries Britain claimed sovereignty over in the various timeframes and their respective populations.
American colonies in 1776, approx. 2.5 m.
Here's a partial answer:
Quote:" Numbers from back then are nothing but estimates, as the first US census was in 1790, and in England the first was in 1801. The first link below gives estimates of English population as 6.4 million in 1770, increasing to 8 million by 1790 and 9.2 million by 1801. The United States had an estimated 2.5 million residents in 1776, 3.93 million at the first census in 1790, and 5.24 million in 1800."
Furthermore, besides North American claims you must include the territory of India, Egypt, South Africa and the continent of Africa and parts of Asia (Shanghai, Singapore Hong Kong etc.). You must also decide on what timeline is apropos and what sort of sovereignty they had in order to actually count them as part of the population.
correction :
Quote: ...American colonies. approx. 1.2 million in 1776.
Should have read
"American colonies. approx. 1.2 million in 1750 "
The Colonies had approx. 2.5 m by 1776.