Tue 2 May, 2017 07:18 pm
This site used to be a philosophy forum, as some of you may not know. It was my first online forum, and I had a lot of fun being "Reconstructo." At that point of my life, I was an autodidact who hadn't been to school. Nowadays I'm a grad student working toward a PhD in math, but still in love with philosophy above all things (Hegel is my current favorite.) I looked at some old posts and saw that I was sometimes rude and petty, and for that I apologize to those involved. We survive. We grow older and wiser...ideally. In my inbox, I found years-old messages from kind and intelligent friends of yesterday. I just thought I'd see if anyone else is either still here or might by chance also be checking around.
At the top of the page, where it says groups, there is a link to the philosophy forums.
I know razzlegg and Krumple are still active. There are a few others who's names don't come to mind.