Tue 25 Apr, 2017 07:24 am
So my bf with whom I am for few months asks me to wear make up, heels and short skirts every time we go out. We do not live together so every time we meet I feel pressure to look like he wants. He says he likes when other guys look at me
but i started to feel weird. He pays attention to every girl with short skirt and I started to pay as well. I did not care before, but now I kinda search for girls in heels on the street.
It might sound like he is a dickhead, but I like him so do not know what does it mean? Am I not good enough so he asks to wear lots of make up and show more legs or it is ok for guys?
Is this the same guy you posted about before (He's ignoring you after a trip?)
There are two ways of looking at this:
1) he likes it when you dress up because he enjoys seeing you pretty and it turns him on. He will buy you beautiful things because he enjoys you.
2) he likes it when you dress up because it turns on other men and makes him look like a "big man" and he likes it when other men are envious of him. He needs a woman to boost his low self esteem.
You decide which one it is.
(May I ask your ages?)
I am 26. Just with my previous bf we did not have this kinda situations and everything was very smooth. I was single for couple years and now I really like this guy. I do not want to ruin everything, but I am very emotional type, also overthink things. He texted today so I guess it is not too bad. He seems a bit colder but I try to understand him, cos we are just two different people so I do not really know him that well.
If you don't feel comfortable or don't like it, don't do it. You are in charge of you.
Don't overthink - he is a dickhead.