Thu 6 Apr, 2017 12:20 pm
As discussed recently in another thread
It would reconcile Einstein with Newton in the matter of time-at a distance, resolving the Twin Paradox and satisfying our intuition regarding the apparent effect of relativity upon the moving object
...entailing no math whatever; it's very straightforward tho admittedly some convoluted in theory. Of course it could be dead wrong but that's what they thought about Al, or even Iz
There must be a suitable mag or othersuch; so someone here, if anywhere else, might know of a suitable target...
Thanks fellas....and gals....
Do you know how atomic clocks "ping pong" works ? If you do what's your problem with Relativity ?
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil no I don't but when house/yardwork allows I'll sure Google it, and many thanks
Meanwhile however if you have the time and opportunity.....
Relative compared speeds of clock ping pong make an actual difference on how long a tick take takes.
@Fil Albuquerque,
Thank you Fil, again made my day--if not entire April or what's left'v't
Shouldn't you write the essay turned possible article before ... asking people who have no connection to publishers to see if they can help you...?
Just hire a publicist or literary agent. No self respecting publication is going to accept your essay that you directly mailed to them.
Thanks /Tsar, guess it's done diff now