Thu 30 Mar, 2017 01:39 pm
So my husband and I are divorcing. Lately he has been all over me. We have not had sex in over 6 months to a year and I dont know if he wants to work on the marriage (which even if he did i'm not stopping the divorce) or if he just wants sex. When I mention the paperwork and how I have filed and need to serve him his copies he acts like he doesnt want to talk about it like he is rethinking the divorce. I need to know why he is doing this. When I ask him he says that he thinks the divorce is the best thing but then acts the complete opposite. I'm so confused.
Maybe he is confused too. Why automatically assume he is "up to something"? Perhaps he is just lonely and confused and unhappy because he can foresee the wreck of his life. Maybe the divorce would be the best thing for him, if that is your attitude.