Wed 29 Mar, 2017 03:20 pm
my roommate ignores me in the house , avoids me actually. He runs into his room every time I am home. sometimes he waits till I get home before going to bed. Won't talk to me and when he does its usually as he is walking away. He keeps track of my whereabouts and who I am going out with and he only comes out of his room to socialize when I have a date over the house. He kinda steals them away from me by talking to them and giving them a tour of the place. He isn't like this with anyone else and wasn't like this with our previous roommate. So what is his issue? Does he not want me in the house? He is comfortable enough to pee with the door open and not wear pants in the house but not comfortable to even tell me that I owe him x amount for a bill or that we are out of something in the house.
No - I am actually really nice and friendly and not scary at all. haha . The first night I moved in he was super sweet to me. We hung out and he kissed me on the cheek goodnight before going to bed and then he became weird with me ever since.
Are you a guy? It could be that he is scared of being gay - just a guess.
Also, Linkat is right, you could just ask him.
I am a girl. I did , he just says he is just like that but I just don't think its normal that he will be doing something in the living room and the second I walk into that room to get something he just runs away and doesn't come out of his room until I go to bed .
Maybe he is just like that. Possibly shy, but maybe not, maybe just into his own thinking. Maybe he has some kind of social anxiety - many people do.
Ultimately if it makes you feel that uncomfortable then plan to move out. It does seem odd but your choices are to deal with it or move out.