Sat 30 Oct, 2004 12:59 pm
Why any woman WOULDN'T want to sleep with me on demand is besides me. But that's not what I'm talking about.
Don't know if it's one, or both, but I'm starting to think my roomates are as bright as chimps with down syndrome. We have a 50-something-inch TV, and one remote that turns the cable and TV on and off at the same time. Except when you shut it off, you have to have the patience to hold the power button for about....2 seconds so the TV will shut down. Not sure if it's damaging, but I don't want to ruin the $2K TV.
After telling these braindead waste of space idiots to make sure the TV is OFF 393 times(I counted), I come home this morning and the power light on the TV is on. I have now placed a note on it that reads "Shut the TV OFF, f##king stupid."
In other news, I'm watching Sex and the City on TV and one of the broads complained to her boyfriend he ordered pork in front of her because she's Jewish. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! I enjoyed a hearty chuckle out of that one.
Please. Are people really this retarded?
Includiing you? I sure the hell am.
'fraid so, to both questions.
Littlek is a woman of many words in this thread.
You asked yes or no questions.
Don't get snippy with me.
I'm on to you, woman.
On the other hand, we hardly ever mistake her meaning.
I saw a guy blow his bilge into a strong NE wind last year. At least if he just let the line into the water just below his gunwales. Instead he picked the damn thing up aand, just like thhe Three Stooges looked at it to see if it was working.
A maritme douche, he was.
<trying to figure all that out>
I think "blow his bilge" is a euphemism for vomiting. The rest is greek to me.
sorry. A bilge pump keeps emptying the water that splashes into a boat. most vessels have an auto bilge that pumps and dumps out behind the boat or else is a sideways pump and hose assembly that operates by a float. When the water in the hold gets so deep, the pumps kick on and 'blow the bilge" This guy stood behind his hose aand let the wind carry all the water and foam back into his face. On top of that, he looked into the hose and listened to see if it was on.
It was,
A maritime douche is just a term of endearment that I have for the members of the "Pennsylvania Navy' when they show up with their new boats in the big water,
Ok, that's pretty much what I thought you were saying, but I was tempted to read into the story like kicky did.
naw, we call that chummin in the wind
Chummin' in the wind
I'm chummin' in the wind
Such a glorious feelin'
I've purged all I sinned...