Can you relate my story to the bible please?

Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 03:06 am
I'm not looking to argue over validity of this post (it's real) so if your going to debate or call me nuts, DON'T bother posting.

You have to believe in (or be involved with) the paranormal for this story.

My full story.

I grew up in England and went to a public school.

I had a reasonably average childhood.

I worked from the time I left school until I was 25

But when I was 14 during late summer I used a ouija board

My nan died during the winter when I was 14 (relevant later)

I carried on with my life forgetting about both the ouija board and my nan passing away like most people would.

Until about 13 years later when my life changed....


(Reread the above if nessesary)

I moved into a hostel about 6 years ago, I was a reasonably normal person (I thought). I was made redundant from a good paying job, I was looking for another job when I was kicked out of my home. I was interested in self development and trying to learn about internet marketing (didn't make much though for various reasons).


I met a few people in the hostel that I was wary of (this hostel wasn't full of saints) but would hang out with.

I got a female support worker that seemed nice, intelligent and helpful too.

She told me it was pointless getting a job whilst living in the hostel and as I wouldn't be able to afford it I should sell my car. (I was the only one in the hostel with a car)

After 6 months of living in the hostel I was introduced to a guy called Jon. He seemed intelligent but I wasn't sure what I thought of him at first.

After a few months of hanging out with him, he told me that my female support worker wanted an affair with me.

I wasn't keen as I knew she had a husband.

I wasn't sure if Jon was being serious so I said to him "I need to know that she's interested." In the next support meeting she was reading something, she looked up, looked me in the eye and said "definitely interested." And then looked away and carried on reading. I just smiled but it didn't seem like the right time to talk to her. (Plus she's married so even though she was good looking, smart and helpful, I wasn't really interested in an affair)

She (my support worker) would even say things like "how would you feel if I invited someone to our home one day"

We flirted for about a month but kept a 'professional' relationship still. But the more I thought about Jon and my female support worker, the more I knew SOMETHING was going on behind my back.

Then Jon told me that my support worker was 3 months pregnant.

I had told Jon about an idea I had where everybody would give £1 or $1 a week to charity and if it caught on I'd could get £20 million a week from the UK alone!


Jon gave me a book about a boy with aspergers (autism). Seemed he knew before I knew that I had it. (Recently/finally diagnosed a couple of years ago.)

I started to pay close attention to my support worker and Jon. I'd tell one of them something and the other one would repeat it, I'd got the impression they were intimately involved in each other aswell. (Through things that were said)

But what really sacred me is when I noticed that in jons room, strange things were happening.

We would watch a film and I would only remember the begging minutes and then the end credits.

I would 'black out' or feel like I was in a trance ect.

I also noticed that my support worker was putting me in a hypnotic state aswell.

I confronted Jon first, then my support worker. Jon never denied he was hypnotising me but was literally running circles around me using his 'Cambridge + hypnotic language skills' and he told me when I asked how long he was practicing magick, he said "for about 20 years"!

When I told my support worker that I thought she was hypnotising me she said it was a good idea if I got a new support worker as I didn't trust her anymore. Jon got kicked out of the hostel because of a completely different and irrelevant matter.

The support worker admitted when I was talking to her, that she had been practicing hypnosis since/at school. And I had an interest in self development soi knew a little bit about hypnosis, I knew enough about hypnosis to know when it was being done on me-even conversational and covertly.

Before Jon left the hostel he said we could go to the cafe to talk. It would be the last time I saw Jon (that i can remember)

He recorded the conversation on his phone, some of the things he talked about were...

Hitler (he had often talked about hitler and some of the films we watched were war films)
He said he's getting planning permission for a volcano
That he's been practicing magick for 20 years
And he said 'the REVELOUTION starts here'
He also played the song 'Clint Eastwood' by the 'gorillas' which seemed strange at the time. (Check it out for yourself)


So at this point I had no contact with my now OLD support worker and Jon had just been kicked out for a few weeks and although I had his mobile number I didn't trust him either.

After I hadn't seen them for a few weeks I began to notice the (staff moved to a bigger office) the old office door being used a lot at night (my room was right next to the (now) old office...yet every time I would walk past the lights were off. What's weird is that I could swear I could her a women moaning in pleasure though the wall.

I text Jon and asked 'what is going on' he replied, so I text back 'nymph' he text back 'yes'.

My mind was expanding...conversational hypnosis, magick, nymph?

I did as I was last told and left her alone, she made no effort to contact me either. (Why should she when the nearly all male hostel was attending to her needs). She was near enough running the hostel! She was shagging all of them, even the criminals! Every night for a couple of months this went on.

Half the hostel were laughing at me for not realising she was a (pregnant) nympho!

Jon had also said "it's not like I started rumours about you in the hostel," so they were miss informed about me.

My mind wasn't in a good place at the time, the hypnosis they had done to me made my mind confused and I got bad at keeping time and I was having memory problems. (Now I realise it was hypnotic amnesia)

This went on for about two months when she (I presume) went on merternity leave.

And moved to the flat above me instead!

Then I had to put up with her shagging 24/7 in the next room up from me!

This went on for about 4-5 months, until I moved out of the hostel.

After a month in my own flat (whilst looking for a job) I started to hear both my neighbours at night, my old support worker was stalking me!

I told my mum about it who took me to the doctor and shortly after I was sectioned in hospital. (Because the doctor didn't believe in hypnosis. Nor did the psychiatrist apparently because of his medical background).

After I was out of hospital and back home I was sexually assaulted by male friends of the nymph and by Jon (he did it a couple of times in the hostel but at the time I thought it was something I'd eaten.

Jon had mentioned 'der' and his only stuffed animal in his flat (when he lived at the hostel) was a spi-der. So that makes me wonder.

I also believed in magick and the occult now. Jon had said the last time I met him that he had been practicing magick, and I could think of no other way they could get into my flat was through teleportation!

I had had enough of being put in a mental asylum being sexually assaulted and being hypnotised by invisible people and on a particularly low point one morning I sold my soul to the devil.

I offered him the world and he promised it would bow at my feet.

Whilst in talk with the devil during the offer, I was in a deep state-almost like trance but I could think for myself.

I projected an 'SOS' signal as far out the galaxy as I could whilst selling my soul to the devil to ask aliens for help.

After I sold my soul a few strange things have happened.

(It's now been five years since it started)

I realised the ouija board I used at 14 spelled 'Moloch.'

I found out that both Solomon and Hitler had Moloch.

A demon threw one of my screw drivers at my head from behind me and I manage to shift my head enough for it to go flying past me, hit the wall and fall behind the sofa.

I saw a UFO (which may have been aliens or government, aliens I think). It looked like a star for the few seconds I starred at it then it went away so fast it looked like a straight but short 'line of light.' The whole thing lasted about 3-4 seconds.

I saw my dead nan who stood very straight and had red/black eyes.

And people have been attacking me most night whilst I sleep.

Someone also called me Satans b.... seconds after selling my soul.

The nymph has now got to my family, my old mates and my neighbours! Even though I've moved twice she still knows how to find me!

But she's nicer to most people than she was/is to me.

She's taken pictures and recorded me over the last 5 years to humiliate me.

People seem to like hurting/breaking my heart.

Since using this site and Facebook more people have heard my story and turned up invisibly...but no one will talk to me directly about the paranormal.

Now that I tell you this, I feel like everyone knows what's going on but ME!

How does my story relate to what you know about the end of the world and the second coming?
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Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:07 am
Sorry to say, you are as nutty as a fruitcake, as my mother used to say.
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:31 am
And you believe in the bible?
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:39 am
One123 wrote:
And you believe in the bible?

I know it exists, if that is what you mean. I don't believe everything in it word for word.
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:36 am
Fair enough. But like I said in the OP, you need to believe in the occult/paranormal and the bible (end of the world) for this thread...I feel.
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 07:48 am
One123 wrote:

Fair enough. But like I said in the OP, you need to believe in the occult/paranormal and the bible (end of the world) for this thread...I feel.

Well, as I have not seen any independent evidence for those things, I guess you would have to say that I don't believe in them. I am afraid I think that your story is, to put it charitably, the product of an overheated imagination.
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Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 07:55 am
Can you relate my story to the bible please

when i was born there was a Shephard present

of course he was the Dr.

Dr. G Shepard
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Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 08:09 am
A lot of these 'incidents' are signs of mental illness. Blacking out, feeling people are stalking you but without real objective proof, feeling people are out to humiliate you, an exaggerated sense of your own importance? Yeah, it's all there.

You're in the UK, yes? Then go to see a doctor already.

So here's how it relates to the bible: people who have visions are sometimes seen as prophets. But their visions are of big stuff like a war on their people, etc. They aren't about someone screwing 24/7 in the room just above them. The bible is also a few thousand years old. People didn't go to doctors because doctors didn't know WTF they were doing. We know better now. And now sacrifice the fatted calf as your copay.
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:17 am
When I asked how my story relates to the bible-I meant as far as being possessed by moloch and the end of the world...
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Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 12:54 am
You have a mental illness.

Everything you talk about are key symptoms of a mental illness. Your attempts to link everything with some dramatic second coming end if the world thing is clear. You need treatment.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 06:29 am
Strange as Hitler was said to have moloch.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 06:41 am
That does not matter.

Please get the treatment you so desperately need.
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Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 07:11 am
One123 wrote:

Strange as Hitler was said to have moloch.

he was said to have syphilis as well, you'd get that treated if you had it

listen to Jes
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