Tue 19 Oct, 2004 06:08 pm
snowing here!! Anybody else getting snowed in?
We have had depressing drizzly **** all day long here. I guess I should be thankful, but I'm not.
Snow this early? That is disgusting.
I know, and the sick thing is, that the city hasn't bother to come out and clean the streets yet, it's been snowing since yesterday!
there were a few flakes of snow in the air when I came home tonight. blechhhhh. saw your weather on the teeeeeevee last night, standupforP. I don't envy ya.
Ehbeth- Stand up for "P" one...hehe...just jokes!!! I know, I really did not prepare myself for winter.....wouldn't it be nice to move somewhere warm for the winter months...I wish!!

I did notice I didn't sweat with the top down this afternoon.
no thanks on moving somewhere warmer. <shudders at the thought>
at least you can put on more clothes when you're cold.
once you're nekkid, you're nekkid, when you're hot.
I have seen snow 2 times my entire life.
That is soooooooo sad, Child.
I made snowmen and stuff. I ran, I played. But only twice.
That does sound like it would bite!
I've shoveled snow 3ft deep just to get to my mailbox.
I worked out of doors today in humid ninety degrees weather. I would have welcomed snow at about three PM.
I did notice I didn't sweat with the top down this afternoon.
Oh darn...for a minute I thought you were Gus. His avatar always makes a big impression.
stand up for pessimism wrote:That does sound like it would bite!
Yeah, this Tropical Paradise really does suck.
stand up
We get our first snow here around the end of October to early November.
I'm headin for snow there
What the hell is the story behind the Gus avatar spread?
Panzade, is that really you?