I'd wager a lot of folks don't even know this page is here:
Top A2K Interactions
By a large margin, The Neverending Word Association Game is the most active thread on The Website, in terms of both replies and views. The US, The UN, and Iraq is second, again in both categories. Among the remainder, most are what I would term "Chatty" otr "Freindly" threads, and there is less correlation of "Views" and "Replies" rankings among them. A few appear on one list but not the other. Very few "Political" threads appear on either list.
I think some of the threads are "Clubhouses" of a sort. I hang out in a few of them, or at least pop in from time to time. Honestly, I'm a bit uncomfortable, uncertain of myself, and hard pressed to keep up in some of the digression threads. I would love to play in Lola's Salon or What are you Wearing more than I do ... I follow them, pretty much, but often, days will intervene between my interactions on them. I just find it easier, I guess, to participate in an intense, even contentious, debate, or to explore philosophy or to wriggle out bits and pieces of historical trivia than to engage in pleasantries. Nonetheless, I do find, and appreciate, refuge in some of the "Lighter" threads as a break from the passion and intensity of the "Heavier" threads. A smile, a hug, a bit of silly banter are often welcome after a particularly trying brawl.
There is plenty of variety among the "Lighter" threads, and plenty of the "Non-Political" threads feature some very intense, and very well developed debate. There are many very personal threads, dealing with matters of importance in folks private lives, which are fascinating, and often deeply touching as well. I try to "sample" a spectrum of the website, and in doing so, I develop impressions of, and insights into, the personas of lots of members. I gravitate toward the "Heavy Lifting" threads, though, and I really do enjoy "Issues". I have strong feelings on many things, and I find expressing those feelings helps me to further form, develop and support them. I learn stuff too. I click on and read far more articles than I myself link to. I rarely post a link; I would rather discuss and examine an idea or proposition from my own viewpoint than to provide a link to someone else's thoughts on the matter.
Well, OK. It's getting late. I'm gonna go back out there and poke around a bit. If I don't stumble into a seemly-looking barfight, I'll pop overr and say goodnight to Pueo and hang it up for the evening.