Wed 13 Oct, 2004 08:54 pm
Do you ever talk to yourself? do you answer your own questions? do you ever just sit around and hold a converstation with yourself?
Well now that you mention it... i do actually. I am always answering my own questions. sometimes it can get quite annoying. people are always looking at you like you are just a little off in the head.
yea like they think you are maybe just one brick short of a house. sometimes it can be quite funny as well... ah those are the days...
there's a quote from the hitchhikers guide to the galalxy, that goes something like, "the only problem with talking to yourself is, about 90% of the time, you know what you're going to say next"
ah, but it's that 10% that makes it all worth while in my opinion
Yep, do it a lot, quite therapeutic sometimes.
Yeah, sometimes I think out loud........for me it is a good way to kick around an idea. Also, when I am angry, I will often mutter to myself. I think that the muttering makes for a good escape valve to release some of the anger.
I do talk to myself. It is more a habit of thinking out loud. I think it helps me sometimes to sort things out. Phoenix it is so nice to hear that some one else does that angry muttering too. I also like your thoughts that it is a good escape value, it makes me seem a little less of a looney.
On the other hand sometimes it is fun to have full-fledged conversations with yourself and sometimes even argue when you are for instance taking public transportation. It is one to get some extra space around you on a crowded subway.
Thanks Phoenix-just when I was feeling better about myself. Now I have doubts on my sanity and yours.
I talk to myself all the time. Sometimes when i'm walking down the road I think aloud myself without realising then wonder why all the passers-by are giving me strange looks.
All my family does it, my german exchange partner commented on it when she came to stay. I thought it was perfectly normal!
I talk to myself all the time. Thinking out loud, muttering, carrying on. Good to hear so many others do it. Sometimes I'd worry...
I am a great conversation...I do it all the time. I actually think outloud and it helps me work things out. Never thought of it as weird. Eoe, you're not bizarre.
Seed wrote:Do you ever talk to yourself? do you answer your own questions? do you ever just sit around and hold a converstation with yourself?
Doesn't everybody?
They don't?
Oh my gawd, I might be in trouble then!
The shower is my place for those deep conversations. Forget singing. :wink:
I am always mumbling to myself about what assh*les everyone else on the subway is.
It seems like I am talking to myself, but in reality
I'm talking to the kid who is neither listening nor responding.
Quote:It seems like I am talking to myself, but in reality
I'm talking to the kid who is neither listening nor responding.
I feel your pain, Funny how a kid can hear you and not be listening
I think we all talk to ourselves, but some people are better at not doing so in front of others.
littlek wrote:I think we all talk to ourselves, but some people are better at not doing so in front of others.
i wish i was one of those people
But of course I talk to myself. From time to time it's refreshing to have a conversation with a like-minded, intelligent person.
Sure I talk to myself. It's a secret though, so don't tell anyone. Actually, I fall into "thinking out loud" group and it's mainly my way of venting if something is bothering me.