Wed 21 Dec, 2016 08:50 pm
My friend is harder to shop for than most girls. She isn't exactly picky, but I want get her something that she will love. My friend... She's not exactly the most emotional person, she reacts and stuff, but it would be really hard to get an "OMG, I love it!" Type reaction from her, and that is exactly what I want. Her family isn't exactly rich, but they have enough money for her to have almost anything she wants that I can afford. She wants a graphic designer tablet, but I can't afford one. She likes animals and stuff like that (she lives on a farm), jewelry, and she doesn't care about clothes. I really have no clue what to get her, and I won't get a chance to ask until Christmas. My budget is $20-30.
This omg stuff is drama on your part.
Me, I'd consider colored pencils from an art store.
The omg I love it was just an example, I just want get her something meaningful. She already has colored pencils, sorry.
Thanks, I might do that. 😊
I'm not too positive on Christmas gifts for best friends unless they are hosting an event. Even then, it can become a time consuming and expensive custom that can be hard to break.
Actually, I think we are hosting the event. This would be the first Christmas present I've ever given to her, and It's not because I feel obligated to, it's because I want to.
I don't like that either. Event implies there will be other people there, as well as your friend. Might be hard feelings if one person got a gift and the others are left out.
Your decision, but I am looking ahead.
I'm going to get gifts for the other people too, I just had more trouble with hers. Thank you for considering my other friends feelings though.