The Urinary Executive Branch
Thanks to jespah for Crackpots And Recipes...
take one crackpot...peel the head...
I just came here to add Crackpots and Recipes and see The Panz beat me to it. (Add two eggs, whisk...)
Dana Reeve Scumbag and Lung Cancer
...I was used to reading the Thomas Kinkade Scumbag thread.
Is bicycling gay a choice?
#68 Wildlickers arranging a ball
FEATHERED: Canadian Politics...
I've been having these blackheads ... and am beginning to be a little afraid.
The world's biggest buger.
Hey Francis! What have you done with all the pilafs?
Get some f*cking blinds, you assh*les!
I keep reading this as "assless."
I just figured Kicky likes big butts and was angry the new neighbor didn't have a "nice one."