Mon 11 Oct, 2004 08:36 pm
I stopped at a rest area in Virginia on my way home Sunday....there was a mini van with New York plates and on the front bumper passenger side was a sticker that said "Give It Up...Give It To God" on the front bumper drivers sign a bumper sticker reading "Protected By Smith And Wesson" I guess it's not even necessary to mention that the back bumpers had Bush/Cheney stickers.....that's the philosophy all right...."Don't worry...put all your trust in God....but just in case He happens to be napping or otherwise occupied when you need prepared to blow some mofo's head off........
I thought of our Adirondack brother immediately btw...and I could not stop laughing about how obviously the humor blew right over the guy who put the stickers on the van....the perfect bush demographic...... I await the defense of it by the usual suspects with a big grin.....