I discovered that I have a fetish for burkini. It's so weird where whenever i see a girl getting soak with burkini or sex i would get aroused.This is my only fetish that i have and it feels so weird because i dont see anyone has such fetish. I in love with it but i wish that someone would help me to get rid of it. Is this a serious matter?
A reference attached on top if you guys don't know whats a burkini
0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2016 12:25 pm
Most young males are interested in the swimwear worn by females of their culture. That does not make a "fetish". If you feel you might assault a womman or girl, see a doctor. Likewise, if your thoughts re out of a control, also see a doctor. A cold shower might help.
welll liking a swimwear worn by females is pretty common. But liking a burkini i actually abit weird since i couldn't find anyone agree with that. I am sure that loving to sex with female with burkini on while shower is a big issue though. What do you mean by cold shower?
0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2016 01:25 pm
Subject yourself to a cold shower.
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Wed 7 Dec, 2016 02:04 pm
No, there's nothing weird about it, it's not a fetish.
Unless the tought of it being both turns you on.
In that case, you are a naughty naughty boy, and need to be spanked.
yes actually it does, i get turned on whenever a female gets wet or having sex with it. It's a really weird fetish lol. But surprisingly no one in this society actually do it but i do. I also bought 1 just to get wet, and it feels arousing.