Sat 9 Oct, 2004 10:13 am
Back in the '60's the catch phrase was, "Let it all hang out!" This meant that sympathetic souls were exposed to a great deal of unstructured self pity and fatuous meandering manifestos.
Forty-odd years later, thanks to the Wonders of Technology, solid blocks of Unpunctuated Anguish are presented as Genuine Outpourings of A Tortured Soul.
What annoys you today?
cell phones and those that are addicted to them.
you know the type: phone constantly in hand or at ear, desperate to fill their every waking moment with inane, redundant conversation.
i swear some just walk down the street with it stuck to their ear -- there's no one on the line, but at least they look cool doing it...
I've been wondering whether cell phones invade public space or create enclaves of compromised privacy in public space.
Cell phones don't particularly bother me--I'm not a tolerant person, but I believe everyone has the right to be a Damn Fool in Public.