I check mine every day, even though it's been just fine for at least a year, because I don't want to miss it if it starts to run high for some reason. Back when I was on those meds, I'd never feel odd when it was high. Midodrine did that, it rocks the numbers back and forth, sometimes moderately high, often not; hard to explain, but if the pressure gets too low, which was the problem with lisinopril, midodrine will raise the pressure..). I could tell when the pressure got too low with the meds - I would get an odd feeling in my neck - the carotid, I assume. I only fainted with the lisinopril though, even if I got the neck feeling a few times with the midodrine too. By that time, I'd learned to hydrate immediately if I got that feeling.
While I still take the pressure, to be careful, it's nice to have it both stable and normal.
I was chubbier when I moved here to New Mexico and had that first poor reading, and gradually lost weight, now am not in the overweight range, and the weight is stable. Whether being in the overweight range back then, ten years ago, had anything to do with that one-time 180, I don't know, as I didn't get high numbers in doctors' offices in my last home area either.
Huh, that was something like nine years of pills I might not have needed; probably did for some of the years, at least when I was chubby, but that was relatively long ago. Glad my regular doc here suggested I taper off the midodrine, and it worked, she was right.