Thu 17 Nov, 2016 12:43 am
I started seeing an amazing guy in May, and things moved pretty fast. So fast, in fact, that I wasn't sure how to take it, after recently ending a relationship with someone that I had been with for seven years. Dating was a whole new experience for me, one that I was not ready for, and one that I didn't even know was actually happening until I went away for a few weeks and looked back on our exclusivity conversation.
But I left town for a few weeks, to work elsewhere, and in that period of time, my ex came back into my life as a friend. And in this time, the guy I had been dating and I had made our exclusivity clear; he had told me that he had not been with anyone since me, had not planned on being with anyone else, liked me, and I had said the same. However when I came back after the few weeks, with my ex still in my life, the guy I had been dating sent me a text saying "I am saying this because I respect you, but I don't see us being able to move forward, and think that we should just be friends". I completely understood, I didn't even ask questions, and said I was happy to be his friend if we couldn't continue whatever it was that we were doing (since I wasn't so sure what we were doing).
We still talked, and eventually were able to meet and catch up again, and my ex came into conversation. He asked me why I was hanging out with him, and if I was having sex with him. And I told him the truth, that I let him back into my life as a friend, needing the closure, but that after he told me we needed to take a step back, although it was not something that I wanted to happen at all, I did have sex with my ex once. I could tell it really bothered him, but then he went on to ask me what I meant when I said that I was happy to be his friend if we couldn't continue whatever it was that we were doing, and I told him the truth with that as well, that I wasn't sure what it was that we were doing, the only dating experience I had was with someone I as with since I was sixteen into young adulthood, but that I really liked him, but that if moving forward is something that both of us can't seem to do, then I am happy to be his friend and still have him in my life. He went on to tell me that he said what he said for a few reasons (obviously one being my ex even though he didn't say that), but that it seemed to him like I was just trying to have fun, and that he wasn't sure if he was going to stay in the city or not.
I had cut my ex out of my life right after having that talk with this guy, realizing that if I really do want to move forward with anyone, and with life in general, him and I can't be friends, and being his friend was never what I wanted at all anyways. We started to hangout again, maybe once a week, having sex each time, and somewhat deep conversations each time about continuing to hangout, getting rid of his dating apps, etc., but outside of this, we don't talk much. He isn't much of a texter. He never was. But I don't think that talking to me and sleeping me with me maybe once every ten days qualifies as any sort of relation compared to what it was like when him and I were actually dating.
Open communication is something that we both have been lacking at since we started hanging out again, and something that I had been having a hard time doing since the beginning. We had a conversation about how he has wanted to be more open and honest with the people in his life, about how he has straight up told other girls that he doesn't want anything with them, and hasn't talked to them since, and that made me feel good, because he is atleast open with me about still wanting anything to do with me, and liking me, but he hasn't been open with me about how he feels about me. I feel that I had been emitting the frequency out to him not to be taken seriously, (he did think that I was just having fun with him after all), because I have been too afraid to actually tell him and show him how I feel, but because I also wasn't ready to be taken seriously. I wasn't ready for a relationship. But I am now. I have come a long way, and am ready to have something serious with someone amazing. I want to be taken seriously. So seriously in fact, that the other night, I finally took personally his lack of communication, when he failed to respond to one of my texts, and just straight up told him "look I understand, which is why I am not going to take your lack of communication personally, but I will take you not responding as a no". His response was "Woah I'm sorry, I was at work", and I said "It's totally fine, you don't owe me an explanation or even a response. I was just trying to be straightforward. I really do understand that you don't take me seriously", and he didn't respond. So I am not sure at this point, if I should take the time to apologize, and explain that I have been having a hard week, didn't mean to take it out on him, etc,. or if I should just leave it, and let him respond to me when he is ready to respond to what I had said? Like I said he isn't much of a texter; he never was. He even fails at texting his friends that he makes plans with most of the time. But he does reach out to them eventually, I guess is my point. And I won't lie, he does text me back eventually too, but it jsut isn't the same as it used to be, where he used to actually contact me every day or every other day, to make formal plans or see how I'm doing. I never fail to remember what he had said about possibly moving, and I do know that he has some stuff going on right now. So should I text him an apology, and possibly finally open the door to more open communication, or should I just wait for him to respond to me when he is ready? Is he even still interested?
I and many others have no interest in reading a wall of text with few or no many paragraphs.
This wall of text was to figure out what to do?