>I do not think that they are devout Marxists either. Their aim is to destroy the Western society that promotes modernization and thus endangers their power and influence over their compatriots.
And this is the purest Marxism, all other Marxist demagogy is just unsufficient details.
>That article seems to me mostly a breathtaking exercise in making connections. Paragraph after paragraph one person is linked to another, to another, who is involved with this group, which is said to have been part of this alliance before, about which it is claimed that they were funded by X which of course is an ally of Y which in the end proves ...
Particulary I must agree. Any jury court won't recognize the Talibans as Commies basing on the provided facts. At least now you see that I'm not the only crazy who think so
I personally disagree with the author of the article in some things: at first he doesn't mention any Chinese role in supporting dear Afghan comrades although it seems not less than the Soviet one - beginning from the fact that Khalq initially was a pro-Chinese movement and finishing with two Chinese colonels decorated for 9/11. After the Soviets discovered that some pro-Chinese Communist regime is a better choice than the Soviet military occupation, their aims became very close with the China's ones - that was the moment when the Taliban began it's growth.
You are right in another thing - the history of Al-Qaeda and Taliban must be researched more and more carefully. That wasn't a very brilliant attempt but comparing with things that are widely published as a "history of terrorism" - the article can pretend to be a step forward. For example an alternative theory insists that Bin Laden was not less, not more but a CIA agent. If we ask what sources is it taken from we can hear smth like: "Bin Laden told one Pakistan paper it in 199..". What a great source! Bin Laden said himself, so who can doubt this!
Now about some other such notices:
1 Khalq was deposed by the Soviets so they shouldn't have been Commies. That's of course wrong. Since Lenin ordered to kill Uritsky and Volodarsky in 1918 the it became a good tradition - to kill each at any suitable moment, the most number of Commies killed in the USSR for example were butchered by their dear comrades but it didn't mean that they stopped being Commies. The same story happened when the Taliban hang 27 it's own high ranking officers for their wrong ideology - all killed persons were former Najibulla's allies. IMHO the fact that they got to the Taliban says rather more than the fact that they were executed later.
2 The Taliban's ideology contradicts to the true Marxism. For example Marx never wrote anything about the Sharia laws, Islam and so on. Furthermore first Marxists denied any God's existing. IMHO this also can't prove anything. The main base of Marxism is the dialectic or, as Orwell better said, doublethinking - when everyone can believe to two opposite things together. In our case: these "Islamists" are sure that the Americans are ruling the world by their financial resources and at the same time they can sincerely believe that everything happens due to Allah's wish. A good historical example is Hitlerism - I wonder what can be more nonsence than Hitler's anti-semitism that was based on the theory created by an ethnic Jewish. Every Marxist theory can vary very much but it is always directed against democracy, freedom, development and civilization.
3 The Talibans have never called themselves Marxists (at least openly). The explanation is very simple - the first generation of Commies in Russia so descredited themselves already in 1918 that the term "communism" itself was widely associated with nothng more but a bullet to the nape (especially in Afghanistan). So every next Commy regime carefully avoided calling it's true name. Hitler for example won the elections calling himself the main anti-Communist although now Hitlerism is recognized as a Marxist ideology. Todays Commies prefer calling themselves "anti-globalists", Pol Pot called himself "Agrarian Marxist", other terms were Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism, Neo-Bolshevism and so on. Really all of them are just other forms of Marxism. So you can call Talibans anti-globalists if you wish - it would be unsufficient for me.
>The article merely mentions that he used to be in the "Islamic Revolutionary Movement" - a movement described nor mentioned anywhere else in the article - together with Mullah Borjan - who, in his turn, some 17 (!) years before, had been in a radical maoist communist faction - which was actually deposed by the Soviets after they'd marched in in 1979.
At first the fact that Khalq was overthrown by the Soviets doesn't mean that it disappeared. As it always happens they just went underground - continued their fighting together with the Resistance Movement. Of course the difference in ideology between Khalq's members and anticommunists like Masoud was too large. That was why they were so easily recruited by the KGB and later began working as anti-Resistance provocateurs. We can reasonably suppose that Borjah's, Hekmatiar's and Omar's party membership hadn't been interrupted for these 17 years (although they changed their name to "Islamic Revolutionary Movement") - I'm sure it was so.
Now an interesting analogy: the same name ("Islamic Revolutionary Movement") belongs now to the Philippinian terrorists whose officially declared aim is creation of the "Islamic Socialist State". The center of them is Abu-Sayaf - an Al-Caeda's branch. By the way there were several Iraqi special service officers discovered among killed Abu-Sayaf members.
>Joschka Fischer used to be a revolutionary street fighter 30 years ago and now he's a Minister of Foreign Affairs, doesnt immediately link Schroeder with the RAF.
But it perfectly explain his todays anti-American position
What is my main conclusion - todays war on international terrorism is not against "the third force" created by the foolish Americans during the Cold War or furthermore against a "hostile civilization" as Huntington and his supporters insist but just a continuation of the Cold War in other forms. The Reds had under their banners 1/3 of the all humanity when the Soviet Union collapsed and admitted it's failure. 1,5 billions - 250 millions = 1,25 billion people - what did happen to them? Did all of them surrender together with their headquarter? I am not sure. And I'm not alone. The War on Terrorism is the Cold War in another form but with the same participants. In one hand dear comrades became weaker loosing the Soviets' support, in other hand they got more possibilities after last limits issued by the Soviets were taken away.