Wed 29 Sep, 2004 10:11 am
Inspired by Seed's thread:
and the this week's distressing unavailability of A2K, I'm prompted to ask:
Do you consider the A2K community a city salon, a suburban neighborhood, a town meeting, a village watering hole or Cyberspace-in-the-Boonies?
I've noticed that some people consider A2K a community. Others use the site as a clinic, a library, a shrink or a podium.
Watering hole.
There's always someone here whenever you wander in. Some smart patrons, some dummies, and always the village drunks. Lots of laughter, a few fistfights...and good grub.
E) all of the above,
depending on where i am and who i'm with...
All of the above. I would hate to lose touch with some folks here and learn tons from others. I even miss some of sometimes annoying folks who got banned. I couldn't begin to list the people who's input I would miss if Craven shut down (including his) without warning, so I won't try. I know of no other place like this.
I agree with Eva, who would make a great barmaid since she is a georgeous wench!
All of the above, but I picked village watering hole given that I needed to choose one.
Well it's more than Cheers
There's a place in Tranna called Dora Keogh. One of those Irish pub places with copper top tables and snugs and you have to get your own beer. If you book ahead, you can book a space at Yer Maw's Table, and have taters and lamb and stew.
This is a sorta virtual Dora Keogh - snugs, and soup recipe threads that wander off someplace else, and lots of my X is bigger than your X political threads, and you always end up getting your own beer.
Can I get yer a beer, Beth?
well, actually, tonight i'm looking for some brandy to pop into my tea
<cough cough honk honk>
but thank you verra much, small rabbit
I can only echo the above. Tis a marvelous site we've got here. And, more, Ratzenhoffer gives us money. Life is good.
I went for the watering hole as well and was surprised to see that everyone else did too!
I've been know to use this forum as a therapist (perhaps I just need to go see my own again) though usually it doesn't start out that way - I often have an "Aha" moment about my topics though....
Having worked in many a bar I do know that the watering hole is populated by "shrinks". Now that I rarely get to go to a bar it's nice to know that my computer can serve that purpose.
I would have to go with all of the above, this site is so diverse as well as the people here.
I like everything about it from the silly threads to the serious ones.
It's also nice when people post pics of themselves it makes them more real or human. I have never posted a pic of me anywhere on the internet, ever, but I did so here, (ravens realm) it seems some-what safe to me.
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:I agree with Eva, who would make a great barmaid since she is a georgeous wench!

Why thank you, BBB! Can I getcha something to drink? :wink:
djjd62 wrote:barkeep, pour me another
Whatcha drinkin' there, big fella? :wink:
a pint of guinness(sp) would taste good right about now