Can't help but wonder what reaction my kiddies would have to knowing their mother was officially a cutie pie. Somehow, I think it would result in some rather strange facial expressions.
Gimme names and numbers, Ms. Cutie Pie. I'll take care of it for ya!
Your offer is appreciated, Rae. But I think seeing the facial expressions would be kind of fun.
Thank you Sozobe, you are so sweet and adorable too:)
When my kids were little, Rae, I couldn't ever be in a bad mood or both would ask, "Mommy, are you mad at me?" As a matter of fact, my hubby still asks me that. I'm not always so sure I like the power.
I know what you mean, bandylu.....but, it comes in handy occasionally.....especially with a hard-headed teen-ager who knows everything.
Actually, I prefer comedy to 'psychology' ~ and this irks my son to no end.....a job well done as far as I'm concerned!
Belated Happy Birthday - How are you Misti?
Hi Tommy and thank you! I am very well thank you! It's nice to see you here in this great forum ... I'm sure you will love it as much as we do.
I see you have your new computer up and running! Good for you!
EEEk! I'm late for Misti's birthday - but not as late there as I am here.
Happy Belated Misti!
I hope the year is wonderful!
Love deb
Thank you Deb ... it doesn't matter if you're late, I'm still celebrating! Have a drink, we're calling in sick today:)
Thank you Tommy, sssssssssssssweet of you:)
Where's your avatar my friend? They've got some good ones, I couldn't help think of you when I saw them.
How are things in Belfast?
Happy Birdsday Misti 26 !!! I'm not sending anything else cause I'm cheep ,cheep , cheap!!!
Algis: Thank you! Don't you remember? You already gave me that wonderful gift, your web site!
How could you forget that? Tsk, tsk, tsk!